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Your support matters!

Your tax-deductible donation helps us provide kids with a sense of comfort in times of crisis.

Help us get Hunter’s Chest into every police station!


$15 donation=

One toy for a child

victimized by crime.


$100 Donation=

A branded Hunter’s Chest

storage box we place in police stations across the community.


$25 donation=

A Hunter's Chest backpack filled with toys and everyday essentials.


Sponsor a police station:

A $500 donation provides a fully stocked Hunter’s Chest filled with toys and supplies. We then hand deliver the chest to a police station of your choice!

Want to make a donation to honor a friend or loved one? We'd love to help. Please contact us.

Want to donate toys or supplies? We really appreciate it! Contact us to arrange a pick up/drop off.

Make a Donation

Make a tax deductible donation‏.

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Hunter's Chest

San Francisco, CA

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